Token Distribution and Allocation
Total Supply:
20,000,000 RGP on the Binance Smart chain
5,000,000 RGP on the Polygon Chain
Token Breakdown
Total of RGP tokens that are circulating in the market and in the general public's hands.
Rich List and Reserve Addresses (BSC)
By clicking on each wallet owner you can check the corresponding address on
Circulating Supply (BSC)*: 805,000 RGP
Rich List and Reserve Addresses (ETH)
By clicking on each wallet owner you can check the corresponding address on
Circulating Supply (ETH): 50,000 RGP
The Rigelprotocol Community will be informed of any major move amount from Reserve Addresses in the event we have productive business partnerships and a New Products launch.
Team/Advisors token allocation has a 24 months total locking period with a portion unlocked each month from Token Generation Event. This way Rigel Protocol ensures that all the proposed features are realized and helps to avoid early dumping.
Last updated