Rigel Protocol allows users to connect directly to their platform through wallets with Web3 capabilities like Metamask or TrustWallet.

Connecting MetaMask to Rigel Protocol (PC)

Metamask is the most common and convenient wallet for Desktop Computers (Browser). If you don’t have a MetaMask wallet yet, you can install the extension on your browser from here: https://metamask.io/download.html

From the Rigel Protocol page, click “Connect” and then the Network desired: Binance Smart Chain or Ethereum. Choose the MetaMask wallet from the options available and then “Connect wallet”. A popup window would appear showing your account, choose the wallet then click “Next” and “Connect”.

Connecting TrustWallet to Rigel Protocol (Mobile)

‌You can download TrustWallet to your device from here: https://trustwallet.com/​‌

Steps to connect:‌

  1. In your Trust Wallet, press the four squares at the bottom of the screen, and then scroll down to Dapps.

  2. If you can't find Rigel Protocol from the list, just input the Rigel Protocol website address in the search form: https://www.rigelprotocol.com/. You will be prompted to connect your wallet. Click on accept and then your wallet will be detected.

‌For swapping, the process is very simple: first, select the cryptocurrency you’d like to spend, followed by the crypto you’d like to receive.‌

  • Enter the amount required for the swap and, once you’re happy with your choice, click "Swap".

  • You’ll be shown a confirmation of the transaction (tx) and if everything appears correct, click "Confirm Swap".

  • If you have a password/lock code set, you’ll be required to enter it. Once approved, you are done.

The tx will be sent to the blockchain to be processed. The changes will be reflected instantly in your wallet.

Check how to add $RGP token to your wallet below;


Last updated